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H城市污水过滤用果壳活性炭 喷漆废气过滤用果壳活性炭

2019/12/26 12:33:09发布197次查看
外观黑色颗粒 柱状 粉状 球状材质果壳、 核桃壳、 杏壳、 桃壳
适用行业化水净气类活性炭粒度5-10 8-16 10-20 20-40 200(目) 目
水份3(%) %用途水处理用活性炭
功能城市污水过滤 喷漆废气过滤特色服务免费提供实验所需样品

项 目 subject
指 标 index
粒 度 coarseness (mesh)
碘吸附值 iodine absorb (mg/g)
ctc (%)
强 度 hardness (%)
水 份 moisture (%)
灰 份 ash (%)
装填密度 loading density (g/l)
以上各个粒度 指标均可按要求生产
1. 活性炭处理含铬废水。铬是电镀中用量较大的一种金属原料,在废水中六价铬随ph值的不同分别以不同的形式存在。活性炭有非常发达的微孔结构和较高的比表面积,具有极强的物理吸附能力,能有效地吸附废水中的cr(ⅵ).活性炭的表面存在大量的含氧基团如羟基(-oh)、羧基(-cooh)等,它们都有静电吸附功能,对cr(ⅵ)产生化学吸附作用。完全可以用于处理电镀废水中的cr(ⅵ),吸附后的废水可达到国家排放标准。试验表明:溶液中cr(ⅵ)质量浓度为50mg/l,ph=3,吸附时间1.5h时,活性炭的吸附性能和cr(ⅵ)的去除率均达到***效果。因此,利用活性炭处理含铬废水的过程是活性炭对溶液中cr(ⅵ)的物理吸附、化学吸附、化学还原等综合作用的结果。活性炭处理含铬废水,吸附性能稳定,处理效率高,操作费用低,有一定的社会效益和经济效益。
2. 活性炭处理含氰废水。在工业生产中,金银的湿法提取、化学纤维的生产、炼焦、合成氨、电镀、煤气生产等行业均使用氰化物或副产氰化物,因而在生产过程中必然要排放一定数量的含氰废水。活性炭用于净化废水已有相当长的历史,应用于处理含氰废水的文献报道也越来越多.但由于cn_、hcn在活性炭上的吸附容量小,一般为3mgcn/gac~8mgcn/gac因品种而异,在处理成本上不合算。 
3. 活性炭处理含汞废水。活性炭有吸附汞和含汞化合物的性能,但吸附能力有限,只适宜于处理含汞量低的废水。如果含汞的浓度较高,可以先用化学沉淀法处理,处理后含汞约1mg/l,高时可达2-3mg/l,然后再用活性炭做进一步的处理。 
4. 活性炭处理含酚废水。含酚废水广泛来源于石油化工厂、树脂厂、焦化厂和炼油化工厂。经实验证明:活性炭对苯酚的吸附性能好,温度升高不利于吸附,使吸附容量减小;但升高温度达到吸附平衡的时间缩短。活性炭的用量和吸附时间存在***值,在酸性和中性条件下,去除率变化不大;强碱性条件下,苯酚去除率急剧下降,碱性越强,吸附效果越差。 
5. 活性炭处理含甲醇废水。活性炭可以吸附甲醇,但吸附能力不强,只适宜于处理含甲醇量低的废水。工程运行结果表明,可将混合液的cod从40mg/l降至12mg/l以下,对甲醇的去除率达到93.16%~100%,其出水水质可以满足回用到锅炉脱盐水系统进水的水质要求。
black granular nut shell activated carbon, select high-quality apricot shell, peach shell, jujube fruit shell as raw material, such as shell activated carbon by carbonization and activation, such as overheated steam catalytic process refined but become, the appearance of a black amorphous particles, the series production craft processing and become a kind of active carbon.developed has good wear resistance strength, gap, high adsorption, high strength, easy regeneration, economic and durable, etc, are widely used in the life, industry, liquid adsorption, water purification, gas phase adsorption.especially suitable for power plants, petrochemical, oil refinery, printing and dyeing textile, food and beverage, medicine, water, high pure water, drinking water, industrial water reuse and other industries.more effectively the water absorption of free chlorine, phenol, sulfur, oil, gelatin, pesticide residues and other organic pollutants, residual chlorine, half dechlorination values, as well as organic solvent recovery and so on.
nut shell activated carbon four features
1, catalytic properties: due to the nut shell activated carbon and the content will form between complex, this complex catalyst has increased, the catalytic activity of activated carbon in many accompanied by catalytic reaction, adsorption process showed the activity of catalyst.the existence of specific surface oxygen compound or a complex, for a variety of reactions with the activity of catalyst.nut shell activated carbon developed pore structure, large surface area and good heat resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance, can be used as the carrier of catalyst.     
2, nut shell activated carbon, mechanical properties, particle size, bulk density, volume density and particle density, strength and wear resistance.these mechanical properties directly affect the nut shell activated carbon applications.     
3, chemical properties, nut shell activated carbon adsorption depends on both the pore structure, and depending on the chemical composition.nut shell activated carbon containing a small amount of chemical combination and functional group construction of oxygen and hydrogen.on the surface of oxides and complex, some derivatives from raw materials, some of them are at the time of activation, activated after generated by air or steam.sometimes generate surface sulphate and chloride.raw material contained in the activation of mineral concentration to become the ash content in the activated carbon, the main composition of ash is alkali metal and alkaline earth metal salts.nut shell activated carbon ash content can be reduced by water or acid treatment.     
4, adsorption properties, nut shell activated carbon is a kind of very small granular has a large surface area, and more tiny holes in the granular - capillary.the capillary has very strong adsorption capacity, due to the granular surface area is large, so a good contact with with gas (impurities).when these gases (impurities) encounter capillary by adsorption, purifying effect.
nut shell activated carbon use
1, used in liquid phase adsorption type nut shell activated carbon
tap water, industrial water, electroplating waste water, pure water, beverage, food, medicine, water purification and electronic ultrapure water preparation.
sucrose, xylose, monosodium glutamate, medicine, citric acid, chemical products, food additives, decolorizing, refining and purification filter.
grease, oil, gasoline, diesel oil decolorization, removing impurity, in addition to taste, wine and beverage purification, deodorization, removing impurity.
fine chemical products, medicine, chemical, biological, pharmaceutical process purification, refining, bleaching and filtering.
environmental protection engineering of waste water, life wastewater cleaning, decoloring, deodorization, cod reduction.
2, used in the gas phase adsorption nut shell activated carbon
benzene, toluene, xylene, acetone, and cs2 and other organic solvent adsorption and recovery of oil and gas.
cigarette filter tip, in addition to taste, decorate indoor air purification (removal of formaldehyde, benzene, etc), industrial gas purification (e.g., co2, n2, etc.).
petrochemical industry production, gas purification, desulfurization, deodorant, exhaust gas treatment.
biochemical, paint industry, leather factory, animal feed, underground places places of air purification and deodorization.
adsorption of stack gas odor and sulphide, removing of mercury steam, reducing the generation of dioxin.
3, nut shell activated carbon used in high demand areas
catalyst and catalyst carrier (palladium, ruthenium catalyst carbon catalyst, rhodium, platinum catalyst carbon catalyst), precious metal catalyst and synthetic diamond, gold extraction.
blood purification, auto carbon tank, high-performance fuel cells, electric double layer, lithium battery cathode materials, super capacitor can storage materials, military, aerospace fields such as requirement.
activated carbon
1, the activated carbon in the process of transportation, prevent and hard material mix, do not step on, step, in case of carbon particle breakage, affect the quality.
2, storage should be stored in the groove adsorbent, more so in the process of transportation storage and use, will absolutely prevent water immersion, due to flooding, after a lot of water is full of activity space, lose its effect.
3, activated charcoal to prevent tar material in use process, should be prohibited from tar class material to the activated carbon bed, lest jam activated carbon, lose its adsorption.it is better for decoking equipment to purify the gas.
4, fire activated carbon during storage or transportation, avoid direct contact with fire, in case of fire, into the oxygen and regeneration completely avoid when activated carbon regeneration, regeneration after have to use steam cooling down to under 80 ℃, otherwise the temperature is high, meet oxygen, activated carbon combustion.
activated carbon adsorption
activated carbon to volatile organic compounds in water body has better adsorption effect, can make all kinds of volatile organic compounds in water removal rate reached 25% ~ 65%.compare a variety of different molecular weight organic compound adsorption law can be seen that for volatile organic compounds, the larger the molecular weight, the higher the removal rate of them.this is similar to phenol adsorption law of cationic light yellow, namely for small molecule organic matter in water, the larger the molecular weight, the more easily by activated carbon adsorption.activated carbon to extractable organic matter under molecular weight is less than 480 had a very good removal efficiency, and on the macromolecular organic matter removal efficiency is very low.this is mainly due to the microporous structure of the activated carbon empty asked steric effect, too large organic molecules to the interior of activated carbon pore, only on the surface of activated carbon adsorption, so that it effectively on activated carbon adsorption decline, leading to the adsorption efficiency is small.
activated carbon can be extracted volatile organic compounds and organic adsorption has a larger difference.volatile organic compounds with the molecular weight increased, and its adsorption effect, the better, and the decrease of the extractable organic compounds with molecular weight, the better its adsorption effect.this is mainly due to the volatile organic matter is mainly some smaller polarity organic matter, and the extractable organic matter is the polarity of organic material, activated carbon itself can be thought of as a non-polar adsorbent, the adsorption capacity of nonpolar substances in water is greater than the polar material adsorption ability.and the size of the adsorbate molecule and activated carbon show a certain proportion, the most conducive to the adsorption.for small polar molecules, molecular weight, the greater the more conducive to the adsorption.
activated carbon for the adsorption of various organic compounds in water has great competitive, its size of various organic adsorption is not only related to the molecular structure of organic matter, but also related to the types of organic matter in water amount.at the same time, for can be extracted volatile organic compounds and organic compounds, they are on the activated carbon adsorption quantity and the size of the molecular weight of the opposite relationship.extractable organic matter along with the increase of molecular weight and its adsorption performance;the volatile organic compounds with the increase of molecular weight adsorption performance has also increased.

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